
24 July - A 5km walk

Went for a walk of about 5km over the fields to the north of the town on a glorious sunny day. The walk involved some gentle climbing up out of the valley to a point where we could look down over the town and the distant fells.

I couldn't have managed it without the walking stick, both for extra propulsion up the hill and for steadiness. Although I'm walking quite strongly my head still spins a bit and it isn't uncommon for me to almost lose my balance, especially if I turn to look at the view or something in a passing shop window rather than looking straight ahead and concentrating on where I'm going. I'm guessing this is a brain problem not a fitness problem and have no idea whether it will clear up or not.

It is good to feel strength in my legs and to do something not too different from what I would normally have done before the tumour.


  1. Julian,

    You are probably out walking more distance than the average bloke who has full health (or at least think they do). Great to hear!


  2. Its great to get out and it helps with the healing as well both inside and out.
