
14 December - Eye test

Went for an eye test this afternoon. The consultant oncologist suggested I have this done when I mentioned to him that I often had blurred vision. But as I expected there is nothing wrong with my eyes as such. Nothing new wrong, anyway. My prescription has hardly changed since my eyes were last tested by him a couple of years ago. So my vision problems are probably caused by the medication and I'll just have to put up with it until I'm taking fewer tablets and my brain has a chance to adapt to some of these side effects.

My peripheral vision was tested on a machine where you have to push a button to record how many green dots you can see. I missed a few because my attention tends to wander after a while. Olga has noticed this before. Sometimes she sees me sitting and asks what I'm thinking about. I reply "Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits!"


  1. And sometimes I just thinks, which is really dangerous when I'm actually sitting behind the wheel of my car. The other day I ended up day-dreaming at a signal light. I don't really know how long it was green before my passenger asked if I was going to go or not.

    Good to hear the eyes aren't adding to your burden. Keep up the spirits, I know that your strength and perseverance are setting good examples for all of us!

  2. "Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits!" recognize that! ;-) 73, Bas

  3. I hate that damned peripheral vision test!

  4. Thanks for the update Julian. It's when they puff air into your eyes to test reaction time that I don't like!
