
15 February - Rubber legs

Nothing in how I feel has changed since 4 February, hence no posts. For the record, I'm not experiencing the kind of debilitating dehydrating diarrhoea you get with a stomach upset. Just that things are not back to normal in that area. It's something to mention to the doctor when I next see him at the end of next week.

I'm still walking on rubber legs, too, which seems to be a universal complaint of everyone who has had radiotherapy to the brain. It's a bit worrying. My positive outlook has largely been based on the belief that my present condition is only temporary and that once the treatment is over things can only get better. Olga and I hoped to be able to get away for some trips abroad once my immune system recovers from the chemotherapy but I'd need to be fitter than I feel right now to manage it. When one reads of people whose mobility after radiotherapy slowly deteriorates until they are forced to use a wheelchair it's a bit disheartening.


  1. I was feeling a bit run down recently and remembered taking a tonic years ago. So I stopped at the chemist and bought some "metatone" tonic and am feeling better now.

    I'm not saying it will definitely help but it might be worth a try?



  2. When my father was have chemotherapy and radiotherapy for his myeloma he and my mother used take the occasion cruise between treatments. Once on the ship everything is done for you and you can go on organised trips in each port of call or go you own way if you want. You can even stay on the ship if you don't feel up to going ashore.


  3. I hope the stomach issues sort themselves out soon Julian and that you both get a few days or weeks away somewhere nice. You deserve the break.

    BTW, do you have problems with your main website? This evening when I tried to visit I kept getting 404 messages suggesting the main site and blog no longer are there and the propagation tool that I link to on my own blog showed the same error code.
